Sales Playbook Activation Program

Competition for sales people’s time and attention is fierce. To successfully launch a new sales playbook, you have to do more than load it to a portal and send round an email.

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Get salespeople using your playbook within days

Your playbook has lots of really valuable customer insights, sales messages and guidance for sales people. But they often find it hard to take what’s on the page and apply it to their next call or meeting.

Top 2 challenges in driving value from a sales playbook:

  1. Playbook gets loaded to the sales portal but few people download it
  2. Playbook has great content but sales people don’t know how to use it in practice

Playbook roll-outs that include a hands-on intervention to get sales people working with and using the content, can hugely accelerate adoption and ROI.

BPM Sales Playbook Activation Program

At BPM we have a reputation for producing great sales playbooks. But equally important, we have a proven track record in supporting customers in rolling them out.

We’ve recently launched a packaged approach to Sales Playbook Activation, where we…

Take your sales playbook and weave its content into our high activity, workshop-based learning program
Run a 2-day classroom or 4 session video call learning intervention led by our expert facilitators
Get your sales people making calls using the new knowledge they’ve gained

Download the Sales Playbook Activation Factsheet

Get a high-level view of the program and learning objectives, to understand the potential benefits to your organization.

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